How do I stop eating?

You can train yourself to be an “undereater” with four steps. 1 / Avoid stimulating and concentrated foods 2 / Practice eating less until it becomes normalized 3 / Set special foods aside for special, social

Why do intelligent people end up being lonely in life?

I think this is a great question and one I have thought about a lot. There definitely is a correlation between high levels of intelligence and solitude, sadness/depression, and difficulty connecting with other people. I think

How do I let go of feelings for someone?

Depending your situation…If you realized someone isn’t a what they seemed or feelings weren’t returned you are only torturing yourself with what you can’t have. You seperate, put up boundaries and occupy yourself with other things.

How do you control your emotions like monks do?

“I am sad”. “I am happy”. “I am excited”. But the fact is, I am not sad. I am me, and sad is just passing through. I don’t think it’s possible to “control” my emotions, in

Do you feel bad after you spank your child?

If ever I had uncontrollable rush of emotions then I would give them a smack or two and after few minutes I regret doing it and cry. I don’t often beat them but sometimes when I

How lonely are you in your life?

My brush with acute loneliness came after I lost my parents. Before that I had my fleeting “no one understands me” moments – but they were more about not getting my way with my parents sometimes.