How can I get over a break up?

If you want to get over someone quickly then please forget about the inferior advice you read such as keep yourself busy, be strong or travel and instead focus on the 10 advice listed below which

What do you do when you do not feel respected?

Learn the power games that they play and play them better. Oh and in case it wasn’t obvious, never ask, beg, or demand respect from them. Respect is earned, not demanded. To ask or demand for respect

Why can’t I stop missing someone?

The relentless ache of missing someone is a weight I’ve carried since the moment she left, casting a shadow over every aspect of my life. My wife, my anchor, my confidante—her absence is a chasm too

Why do I feel regret after making out?

For me, the feeling of regret after making out is something I’ve grappled with for a long time.It’s a complex mix of emotions that leaves me questioning my choices and feeling a sense of unease in

Why do I feel so lonely in the nights?

Loneliness has a way of creeping in like a silent intruder, especially during the quiet hours of the night when the world around me is shrouded in darkness. For as long as I can remember, nighttime

What can I do if my boyfriend cheated on me?

Discovering that my partner had cheated on me was a devastating blow. It felt like the ground had been ripped out from under me, and I was left reeling with a mix of emotions – shock,

I’m losing feelings for my boyfriend. What should I do?

If you’re experiencing a decline in your feelings for your boyfriend, it’s important to approach the situation with honesty, empathy, and self-awareness. Firstly, take some time to reflect on the reasons behind this shift in emotions.

Why does my boyfriend cry when he sees me crying?

When your boyfriend sheds tears upon witnessing your distress, it reflects a complex interplay of emotions and psychological dynamics within your relationship. Firstly, it demonstrates his deep emotional connection with you. Seeing someone you love in

What should I do to make my girlfriend happy?

Praise her Appreciate her, cherish her, play with her, make her your spoiled kid but stick with her. Note:- If you are sure that she is the one then break all rules of love. Love Fully, Love

I’m 19 and feel lonely. What should I do?

I isolated myself. The complete opposite what everyone told me to do. When I felt alone, struggling and lonely in life, this is what I did. Chances are you are not in amazon jungles. People are

Why don’t I feel emotions for anyone?

Because not every feeling has a word. Because I don’t know. I don’t know how I feel. Because what I feel makes no sense. Because what I feel is contradictory. Because I shouldn’t be feeling this.