Why do I feel like shit and depressed when I wake up, but generally feel better about life at night?

How Do Love

I feel similar.

Are you doing something which goes against the kind of person you are, or you wake up to go to work somewhere, where you actually do not wanna go but go anyway because others tell you that it is the right thing to do?

And you do have depression; I used to be more like you are right now, but I have greatly improvised over the years. I have realized that you are alone in your life, and it is YOU and only YOU who have to take care of yourself. You need to, you HAVE to wake up in the morning, and you have to meet a bunch of people you dont like, and you have to go to work because it pays you and you need that pay to survive. Parents love you and will take care of you, but not forever. They are the ONLY people in this big wide world who will love you JUST THE WAY YOU ARE, but they will not be there forever. Once they are gone, you are on your own. SO take care of yourself, because nobody else will.

So I spring out of bed anyway… no sorry I dont “spring” out of bed, but I do not stay lain on the bed for long, I push myself up; because I have to, no choice.

And I have set some goals for myself which I have promised myself to achieve in the next 4-5 years, which helps me because then I have something to look forward to. And do not linger on these goals, start them right away. Like I want to start a diploma course, and I neither have savings nor will borrow money from someone else; so am taking my present job really seriously, and despite not liking it very much, I will do it anyway because I need to.

If you have a lot of money, help the poor; you can also try to live by yourself (if you are not already; pardon me I belong to an Asian household and we stay with our parents for a really long time), then you will grow more sincerity towards your job, the next morning and your existence.

And the reason why you feel pessimistic in the morning and hopeful at night, is really, I believe, connected strongly to depression. I feel it is because a depressed individual has an hyperactive mind, and just as lazy a body, the mind and the body do not coordinate. When a day ends, your mind heaves a sigh of relief ‘oh finally the hell day is finished, now i can finally relax” and you feel happy, and you think positive, your depressed hyperactive mind starts rolling. Then when you wake up next morning, you cannot believe you actually thought THAT positively last night, because it is again the beginning of another grotesque day and then you go “who was i kidding?”.

I feel talking it out with someone will really help, but then again a depressed person also does not find anyone suitable to talk to.. “the other person is not worthy of my feelings, no use sharing”.

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