How do you feel when you get high?

Weed – great, but overwhelmed with body load and hunger, til sleep. Redosable. All day. 9/10

mushrooms – terrible. I have no idea what is going on and I can’t fucking figure out how to figure out how to. Boomers not for me 3/10

lsd – great, smiled 6 hours straight as I was lost at a festival in Michigan, so long that my jaw felt like I was punched. The afterglow from lsd is amazing. 7–8/10

ketamine – it’s a disassociative tranquilizer, so it’s like, mushrooms but with way more weird shit. Made me feel like shit, but then I was like, “hey, all male cats gotta go through this kinda” and I was somehow comforted by that. in a k-hole, not knowing anything about anything for a bit, kind of nice but overall 5/10

meth – great, but as expected. It’s made that way. And it’s really kinda gross, as a whole. Hard to quit, but I learned the most from this one. Drug will kill your morals and drive you into someone you don’t know, unless you know how to navigate. 95% of people can’t manage. Not worth the risk. *choosing not to rate*

heroin/fentanyl/opioids – please start if you have not yet, im not even going to touch these as a topic as I have little experience besides experiments, one time a piece, never again *choosing not to rate*

MDMA/Molly/XTC – right under meth for favorite drugs, therapeutic and awesoem for opening up more than just your wallet or your legs. 9/10

crack/coke – shitty meth that can kill you. Costs more and lasts less. 4/10, always for both, maybe 5/10 for hard but you’ll be broke before you know it

amphetamines – no comments. 10/10

dmt – amazing, not a drug, don’t abuse this please, and be ready to do at least 3 strong hits to blast off 10/10

Analog drugs

MXE – ketamine derivative, active when smoked, 3/10 though. Almost all anxiety

2Cxxxx – dangerous, not worth the dirty trip feeling for 2–3 days after 5 hours of peak.

25I/25CnboME- see above 2/10 cuz way longer, wanna be acid

JWH073/018 / AM2200 – synthetic cannabis is not to be fucked with. 4/10. onset is 15 seconds and the brain isn’t ready for that, ever. Plus you’ll be dumb as hell after two bowls

Im sure I’m missing some, like peyote (6/10) and datura (1/10) but I’m getting tired.

peace and love and don’t do heroin

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