My boyfriend gets mad at everything. What should I do?

Leave him.

I married a man like that and it completely destroys you self confidence, makes you feel like you have to watch every word you say, and makes you afraid to go anywhere for fear he’ll misread something that happened and you’ll catch hell.

I’ve been yelled at for the most ridiculous things you can think of.

Letting my dog follow me into the bathroom, a stain in the kitchen sink, taking too long to read a story to my granddaughter, talking on the phone to my former foster son, shopping to long with my aunt.

You get the picture.

There are plenty of good men out there and you quite deliberately chose a loser.

You don’t have the knowledge or experiencer to fix him.

You can’t do it. It’s not your job and you shouldn’t even try to do it.

Nurturing and being good to a rageaholic just rewards him for his bad behaviors.

It’s a waste of time and turns you into a target for him to mistreat.

Leave now, it’s not worth staying.

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