What does falling in love feel like?

Boy : You know, you’re so lucky to marry one heck of a masterchef.

Girl : Why don’t you prepare me a dish I’ve never eaten?

Boy : Whatever I prepare at my work-place, I’ve served it to you too.

Girl : Still, how about you invent something today?

Boy : Invention is a gamble.

Girl : And I’m the risk-taker.

Boy just amalgamated everything he came across.

And finally he’s ready. He uses toppings lavishly as a compensation in-case the dish was one accident.

She eats it.

Boy : Don’t tell me it’s bad even if it is.

Girl : It’s a marvel.

Boy : So, I’m leaving for work. I’ll go at my mother’s and come back late night.

Girl : Fine.

After the work, he reaches at his mother’s place.

Boy : Hey, mom. Take it, I got something for you. She prepared it.

Mom : Why don’t you leave her? (As Mom tastes the dish, thinking she prepared).

Boy : Please, not again.

Mom : I wish her accident had happened before she married you. I can’t see you live with that mute girl for all your life.

Boy : She isn’t mute. I understand her signs. She understands me. I talk to her everyday. Love has no language.

Mom : Come on, it’s a life, not a movie. And this mixture whatever dish she prepared, “it tastes gross”.

Boy : You know why I’ll never leave her?

Mom : Speak and get over with it.

Boy : Because I know the sign language for “marvel”, “delicious”, “amazing” from her but she never gave me the chance to learn the sign for “it tastes gross”. Sometimes signs are always sweet and words always sour.

What does falling in love feel like ? :

Sometimes “words” are not enough to define it. (Literally).

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