What do you like to do when you are feeling low?

Take out your car. Call a close friend or go solo, but go on a drive. Play some music Lofi or melancholic or the music you listened on your school or college days . Stop by a bridge where there is little noise of vehicles and civilisations. Just look at the moon, the river and the empty bridge. You meet yourself. Stop by a dhaba for Tea on the Highway. It reminds how life is much bigger than your anxiety, stresses.

Keep your phone off and go to the garden. Sit in the woods or play with a pet or a stray animal. For a moment get lost with nature or in the company of the living beings around us. You find peace .

If you are much anxious , at times Good sleep too helps if you are able to sleep. Else run or do something till you get physically tired and then sleep. I still remember there was a time in 2017 when i was at my lowest ebb and saw someone whom i should not have met. Then i ran like an escapist. I ran in the India Gate , all through the Lutyens till i got completely exhausted .

There are certain points in life when we feel we are not strong enough to face. Then if possible take medical help . Do not get shy away when you face a humongous tragedy, something which you are not able to face at that point of time with your strength.

There was a point in my life when i was all alone , in my lowest ebb in February 2017. It made me numb from all around. That time i do not know i fought through, but i just believe i overcome this situation with hope. Getting out of low takes time. Its not a easy walkway often. Its a process of getting grounded each day . But eventually it makes you a strong person

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