I miss someone so much. What should I do?

If your anything like me…

I used to make long speeches to her after she went.
I used to talk to her all the time, whilst all the while I was alone. I walked around for months talking to her.

Now that she is here, I don’t know what to say.
It was easier when I just imagined her. I even imagined her talking back to me. We’d have long conversations, just the two of us.

It was almost like she was there but it was only in spirit.
I could pick up on the aura that she was near by, I could see that she had come by and I could feel her presence and on cue I could hear her voice.
Sometimes her voice would wake me up. It would wake me up in the middle of the night, just like she was in the room with me.

Then… it slowly faded. I couldn’t picture her anymore. I tried to talk out loud to her like I used to, but there was nothing there. I couldn’t hear her no more. Then… I just gave up.
Everything stopped. She just… disappeared.

And now I’m here. I hear her voice again all the time. Its like every women I hear has her voice…

The sad fact of life is you cant always get what you want!

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